Education Department sparks new GOP anger as Cardona pivots on financial aid blunder


Bianca Quilantan
March 22, 2024
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona has said some schools were “still not fully prepared to receive” key financial aid data from his agency but the Education Department hasn’t sent most of it.
Republicans already livid with the Biden administration for sinking the college admissions season into turmoil with a bungled financial aid rollout are jabbing Education Secretary Miguel Cardona for trying to spread the blame.
A monthslong delay in the Biden administration’s release of a revamped FAFSA — the form used to determine federal financial aid — and processing submissions has resulted in a nationwide backlog of some 6 million applications. But while the department is starting to send long-awaited financial aid data to colleges, Cardona has been suggesting publicly that some colleges are also at fault because they’re “still not fully prepared” to receive it.