(GRANTS-22-11) Pell Grant and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant 2021–22 Award Year Processing Deadline

Federal Student Aid 

Pell Grant and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant 2021–22 Award Year Processing Deadline
The Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant) Program regulations at 34 CFR 690.83(a) establishes the deadline by which a school must submit student payment data each award year. As required by regulations, and consistent with the Federal Register published on June 24, 2021, the final deadline for electronically transmitting Pell Grant and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant records for the 2021–22 award year to the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System is Friday, Sept. 30, 2022.
Existing regulations for drawing/returning funds and reporting disbursements supersede this deadline. By meeting these regulatory requirements, a school should be able to fully reconcile to a zero Cash > Net Accepted and Posted Disbursements (NAPD) balance (Net Drawdowns = NAPD) shortly after making final disbursements for the award year, rather than waiting for the final processing deadline.