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A Holistic Approach to Transferring Credits

Inside Higher Ed

Johanna Alonso
November 30, 2022
Institutions have long sought to improve the credit transfer process. A new report from Ithaka S+R outlines strategies to help students earn credit for all types of higher learning.
Students are obtaining postsecondary education from more places than ever—on-the-job training, military service and high school dual enrollment, to name a few, in addition to two-year and four-year colleges. That makes the already-challenging process of transferring credits from one institution to another that much more complex.
A new report by Ithaka S+R, the research arm of the academic technologies nonprofit Ithaka, outlines a detailed framework—referred to as “holistic credit mobility”—that aims to ensure students get credit for any higher learning they do, no matter where, without having to repeat any courses or subjects they have already completed.