A ‘Strong’ Investment in California Higher Ed
Sara Weissman
July 6, 2022
California governor Gavin Newsom signed a massive 2023 budget that promises billions of new dollars to higher ed institutions and programs.
Higher education leaders and advocates are celebrating the $308 billion California budget signed by Governor Gavin Newsom last Thursday for including $41.6 billion for higher education institutions for the 2022–23 academic year. However, some higher ed leaders were disappointed that long-awaited reforms to the state financial aid program were included in the budget but not funded.
General funding for the University of California and California State University systems increased 5 percent. The California Community Colleges are set to receive an increase of $600 million in ongoing base funding. The budget also invests in adding thousands of class seats for California residents to UC and CSU campuses, which have long lacked capacity to serve high demand among eligible local students.