Call to Action: Tell Congress to Extend the GE/FVT Reporting Deadline


June 25, 2024
Thank you for your willingness to participate in NASFAA’s advocacy campaign to request that Congress take action to require the Department of Education (ED) to delay its institutional reporting requirements for its new Gainful Employment (GE) and Financial Value Transparency (FVT) regulations to July 2025. In light of the unprecedented issues associated with ED’s rollout of the 2024-25 FAFSA and the devastating impacts those issues have had on financial aid offices and postsecondary education institutions, this additional delay is crucial.
This page features resources to assist you in your outreach, instructions on how to contact your representatives, and a sample letter that can be customized with your information and used when you contact your representative.
How to Contact Your Members of Congress
If you’re not sure who your senators and representative are, you can find out by selecting the links below. Phone numbers and links to contact via email can be found on each member’s website.