Comments on the NPRM Covering Distance Education, Return of Title IV, HEA Funds and Federal TRIO Programs


August 23, 2024
Dear Secretary Cardona:
On behalf of Career Education Colleges and Universities (“CECU”), we submit the following comments in response to the above-referenced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (the “NPRM” or the “Proposed Rule”) published in the July 24, 2024 Federal Register (89 Fed. Reg. 60256) by the United States Department of Education (the “Department”).
CECU is a national trade organization with a membership of more than 750 accredited, postsecondary educational institutions throughout the United States, most of which participate in the Federal student financial assistance programs. Our primary interest is the well-being of our nation’s students and their preparation for productive careers. As noted in our comments, CECU generally supports well-reasoned regulations that protect students and taxpayers and respect institutional missions. Our comments highlight various concerns and offer recommendations for improvement. We present our comments in the order that the issues appear in the NPRM, referring in each instance to the relevant sections and paragraphs of the proposed regulations being addressed.