Ed Department proposes tightening 90/10 rule and monitoring nonprofit conversions

Higher Ed Dive 

Natalie Schwartz
July 26, 2022
Agency says new rules would strengthen oversight of for-profit colleges and reduce student debt, accomplishing Biden administration goals.
The U.S. Department of Education released a spate of new regulatory proposals Tuesday that would restrict how much federal financial aid for-profit colleges can receive, add new rules for proprietary institutions converting to nonprofits, and extend Pell Grants to incarcerated students.
Ed Department officials cast the proposals as part of the Biden administration’s plan to reduce student debt and strengthen oversight of for-profit colleges.
“Today’s announcement is one important step that the Biden administration is taking as part of a broader effort to ensure that student debt is affordable and that colleges are held accountable for unaffordable debts,” said James Kvaal, the department’s top higher education official, during a call with reporters.