Enrollment Remains Top Risk Cited by Colleges
Susan H. Greenberg
January 6, 2023
Enrollment remains the biggest risk cited by colleges and universities for the fourth year in a row, according to the 2022 Top Risks Report from United Educators.
Data security ranked second for the third consecutive year.
Recruitment and hiring jumped from 14th place to third, and student mental health—broken out in the survey for the first time this year—ranked fifth.
The risks of sexual misconduct lost urgency; Title IX fell to 10th place, down from third place in 2019–20 and eighth place last year. And sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment and abuse, dropped to the 18th spot.
Following a two-year absence from the top 10, external pressures—which includes economic, political and societal influences—captured the sixth spot.
And, not surprisingly, COVID-19 and future pandemics, which ranked third last year, fell to the 20th spot.