Fed rules on for-profit colleges could hurt economy, veterans

American Military News

Chris Woodward
February 21, 2022
You don’t have to agree with their politics to get the message protesting truckers sent across the border from Canada: The economy depends on truck drivers. And America just doesn’t have enough of them.
According to the American Trucking Association, the nation is currently short by about 80,000 drivers.
Across America, businesses like the HDS Truck Driving Institute in Tucson, Ariz. are working to fill that gap. They are part of an industry of for-profit career colleges pumping employees into the U.S. economy in some of the most high-demand areas: Transportation, nursing, construction, and the service sector.
And because their students access federal financial aid to help cover the costs of their training, they are also forced to keep an eye on Washington, D.C.