For-Profits Ask Biden Not to Single Them Out
Kery Murakami
January 13, 2021
The association representing for-profit colleges and universities, in a letter Monday, urged President-elect Joe Biden’s administration not to single them out unfairly.
The Biden administration is expected to restore Obama administration rules eliminated by former education secretary Betsy DeVos aimed primarily at for-profit institutions. The rules would make it easier for students defrauded by institutions about the value of their degrees to file borrower-defense claims to have their student loans canceled, as well as potentially stripping institutions from receiving federal student aid dollars if their students do not find adequately paying jobs.
“We share many of the same goals as the President-Elect, including expanding access for those who wish to pursue postsecondary education, maximizing student outcomes, ensuring a return on educational investment, and rebuilding the economy through job training and career education opportunities targeted toward high-demand professions,” Career Education Colleges and Universities president and CEO Jason Altmire wrote in the letter.