Foxx, Burr Question Radical Activist Group’s Influence on Education Department

Committee on Education & Labor

June 23, 2022
Today, House Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Republican Leader Richard Burr (R-NC) are requesting an explanation from Education Department Secretary Miguel Cardona following reports that a radical lobbying group is influencing higher education policies.
In the letter, the Members write: “It is very troubling to learn that the Department appears to be following advice from activists to inappropriately target an important sector in postsecondary education. There has been public reporting on a meeting between Federal Student Aid Chief Operating Officer Richard Cordray and the Debt Collective to discuss a memo the organization provided on closing private institutions of higher education without congressional authorization.”
The Members continue: “When the conversation on quality is premised on the tax status of an institution, it is distracted from the most important metric to focus on: student success. …[A]rbitrarily targeting for-profit institutions, while ignoring the atrocious outcomes of their non-profit or public peers, illustrates this administration is more focused on partisan politics than the success of our nation’s students.”