Foxx on Biden’s State of the Union in Crisis

Committee on Education and Labor

March 1, 2022
Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement reacting to President Biden’s State of the Union in crisis:
“Tonight, the American people did not watch a State of the Union address. They did not see a resolute leader provide an accurate assessment of our country’s trajectory. What they watched was the leader of the free world draw a caricature of America that is entirely disconnected from reality — as if to distract Americans from the impact they are being forced to deal with because of the administration’s disastrous economic policies.
“It’s unacceptable that President Biden failed to offer solutions to lift America from a malaise he caused, particularly as unabashed authoritarians strike at the promise of freedom that has made America exceptional. The American people deserve far better than the progressive political agenda of this administration that has harmed the entire country.