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Lame Duck Agenda

Inside Higher Ed

Katherine Knott
November 29, 2022
Congress has a busy December, and several higher education policy priorities hang in the balance.
In the final month of the 117th Congress, lawmakers are hoping to pass an appropriations bill to fund the government for the fiscal year, codify protections for same-sex and interracial marriages, and push through the annual defense reauthorization bill, among other priorities.
Higher education lobbyists are watching the appropriations process closely and would like to see the Senate sign off on an expansion of Pell Grants for short-term programs and the College Transparency Act—both of which passed the House of Representatives in February. The College Transparency Act is aimed at providing students and families with more information about college programs and outcomes by requiring colleges and universities to report certain information. Others are cautiously hopeful that Congress could approve protections for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.