Most lower-income working moms describe a career as ‘out-of-reach luxury’
Emilie Shumway
December 12, 2023
While lower-income moms showed a similar desire to excel as their middle- and high-income peers, a multitude of factors hold them back, a University of Phoenix study found.
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Lower-income working mothers exhibit a similar desire for career progression as their middle- and high-income counterparts, a recent study conducted over the summer by the University of Phoenix and parenting platform Motherly found. However, barriers to career development leave them feeling disenchanted; 55% called their current role “just a job, not my career,” 65% said having a career “sounds like a luxury,” and 64% said while they would like to pursue a career, it feels “out of reach.”
The study found a higher degree of job volatility among lower-income working moms, with a third having switched jobs in the past year, versus 18% of their counterparts. They were more likely to switch jobs for a more flexible schedule or due to health or personal reasons, while middle- and high-income moms were more likely to cite a lack of growth opportunities or alignment with their career goals.
“For the lower-income mom, holistic wraparound services are necessary to ensure a path through the entire career journey toward self-sufficiency,” researchers concluded in the report, suggesting employers recognize the skills these women bring to the workplace and connect them with mentors and role models and with continuing education opportunities.