North-West College Makes it Possible for East San Gabriel Valley ROP/TC Students to Finish Their Studies Following the Center’s Post-Secondary Division Closure

Career Education Review

July 28, 2020

Teach-Out Is a Testament to NWC’s Quality Programs and Commitment to Helping Students Achieve Their Educational Goals

WEST COVINA, Calif.—Students from East San Gabriel Valley Regional Occupational Program and Technical Center (ESV ROP/TC) have a clear path forward to graduation again after learning they will be able to transfer to North-West College (NWC) to finish their studies, following the closure of the center’s Post-Secondary Division at the end of June. After more than 30 years of providing career training programs for adults, ESV ROP/TC announced it would no longer be enrolling adult students or providing continuing courses for adult students currently enrolled.
Upon sharing the impending closure with its student community, East San Gabriel Valley ROP/TC reached out to North-West College to determine whether a teach-out agreement was possible to allow existing students to transfer to NWC and complete their respective programs.
North-West College agreed—eager to help these ESV ROP/TC students realize their educational goals. The displaced students are currently in the process of transferring into NWC’s Medical Assistant, Medical Insurance Biller and Coder, and Pharmacy Technician programs.
“We have a long history of standing in the gap for students who are displaced after school or program closures,” explained North-West College President Mitchell Fuerst. “We are grateful to be able to come alongside these individuals to help them finish what they started.”