Overtime rule comment period opens; employers can weigh in through Nov. 7
Kate Tornone
September 13, 2023
DOL proposed a salary threshold of about $55,000 per year but suggested in a footnote the final level could be more than $60,000.
Stakeholders may comment on a proposed overtime rule through Nov. 7, according to a notice published Friday.
The U.S. Department of Labor last week announced plans to increase the salary threshold for overtime eligibility — currently $35,568 — to $1,059 per week, or roughly $55,068 per year. It said in a footnote, however, that the final rule would include a threshold based on the most recent wage data available. Depending on how long the process takes and the calculation used, that could be more than $60,000, according to DOL.
The proposal also adopts automatic increases for the threshold, something the Fair Labor Standards Act regulations do not currently include.