Republican AGs accuse Biden’s education secretary of ‘flagrant’ Hatch Act violations

Fox News 

Brianna Herlihy
July 25, 2024
Republicans say Miguel Cardona violated Hatch Act with comments touting President Biden’s student loan handout
FIRST ON FOX: Two Republican attorneys general are reporting that Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona violated the Hatch Act in connection to recent comments about President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plans.
Attorneys General Austin Knudsen of Montana and Kris Kobach of Kansas wrote to the Hatch Act unit special counsel on Wednesday to inform the office that statements by the office and Cardona “appear to violate the Hatch Act because, among other things, the statements were on duty partisan political statements made in their respective official capacities, and the statements were for the apparent purpose of affecting the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election.”
“The violations appear to be flagrant, such that a substantial penalty is warranted,” the attorneys general wrote.