SCOTUS put kibosh on Biden’s loan forgiveness. That’s not deterred him one bit. C’mon man!
Ingrid Jacques
July 23, 2023
While Biden’s latest legally implausible attempt at loan cancellation plays out, he will rely on other measures to appease borrowers he has encouraged to feel angry and entitled.
A strong rebuke by the highest court of the land would make most of us pause and reconsider our actions.
Not Joe Biden.
The president essentially told the U.S. Supreme Court to get lost after it decisively told him late last month that his unilateral plan to cancel hundreds of billions in student loan debt (at taxpayer expense) was an egregious overreach of his office. Simply put: It was unconstitutional.
The same day the ruling came down, Biden announced what he would do next − essentially the same thing.
Not a joke, as the president likes to say.
In fact, the president seems confused about who told him he couldn’t proceed with this massive loan “forgiveness.”
According to a statement from the White House about Biden’s “new” plan: “No President has fought harder for student debt relief than President Biden, and he’s not done yet. President Biden and Vice President (Kamala) Harris will not let Republican elected officials succeed in denying hardworking Americans the relief they need.”