Supreme Court to Hear GI Bill Case

Inside Higher Ed

Katherine Knott
June 28, 2023
The plaintiff in the case, a retired Army captain and Bronze Star recipient, wants the Supreme Court to overturn a lower court ruling that he said broke Congress’s promise to veterans.
The Supreme Court will consider a long-running lawsuit over whether the Department of Veterans Affairs is shortchanging veterans on their education benefits.
A decision in favor of James Rudisill, the plaintiff in the case and a retired U.S. Army captain, could affect more than 1.7 million people. Rudisill wants the Supreme Court to overturn a decision from the full bench of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in favor of the Biden administration. Other appeals courts have ruled in Rudisill’s favor since the legal challenge began in 2015.
At issue is how the Department of Veterans Affairs calculates educational benefits for service members who earned benefits under two different versions of the GI Bill.