The Burden of Misunderstanding

On Ed Tech 

Phil Hill
August 15, 2024
How ED’s outdated consumer-protection view of online education could lead to bureaucratic burden on every online course in US higher ed
In yesterday’s post on the CHLOE9 report, we mistakenly referred to the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) as co-authors when we meant Quality Matters. The online post was updated yesterday, and we apologize for this oversight. And thanks to our readers for quickly letting us know about the error.
Based on our research, including participation in conferences and online discussions, I do not believe that most higher ed people in the US understand just how big of a burden they are about to face if the Department of Education’s (ED’s) proposed rules on online attendance taking get finalized. From the Inside Higher Ed article that I referenced in last week’s post on the Arnold Ventures (AV) funded coalition:
Administrators who oversee online education say a federal plan to require colleges to take attendance in virtual courses would impose significant time demands on faculty members and increase cost burdens on institutions.