U.S. Department of Education Launches New Title IX Resources for Students, Institutions as Historic New Rule Takes Effect
Career Education Review
August 17, 2020
Contact: Press Office, (202) 401-1576, press@ed.gov
WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos launched new resources to help students and schools understand the protections provided by the Department’s historic regulation on Title IX, as the Rule takes full effect today. The Rule, announced on May 6, 2020, following years of stakeholder input, public comment and careful deliberation, extends many new protections against sexual harassment, and strongly safeguards the rights of all students, including the right to due process. The Department also launched a new website that provides a one-stop resource for this key information, including how to file a complaint, an overview of the Rule’s protections for survivors, and a detailed webinar on how schools can fully implement and uphold the new provisions in the law.
“Today marks a new era in the storied history of Title IX in which the right to equal access to education required by law is truly protected for all students,” said Secretary DeVos. “Every student should know that their school will be held accountable for responding to incidents of sexual misconduct and that it must treat all students fairly. This rule, as courts have recently noted, restores balance to the scales of justice in our schools, ending one of the most infamous and damaging overreaches of the previous administration.”