We must support veterans and not politicize their education
Congressional hearings on the Hill continue to vilify for-profit universitiesand jeopardize how veteran students, like myself, can leverage our GI bill benefits, which is why I feel compelled to speak out.
It is time for our leaders to stand up for student veterans everywhere and respect their pursuit of education using their hard-earned benefits, no matter what type of college or educational institution they choose. I believe this not just because I am a student veteran, but because my career has been defined by serving both my country and my fellow servicemembers and veterans, and I know how important education is to these men and women.
I am honored to have served in the United States military since 2010, and to continue to serve to this day. I am a proud life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) having served in combat under hostile fire. I have held an education policy position with VFW and am now with the Enlisted Association of the National Guard (EANGUS). I have lived and breathed many of the most difficult issues that our nation’s veterans grapple with, and that is why I believe we must press policymakers not to restrict the choices in education that so many of us depend on to advance in our lives. No matter what school they are interested in, whether for-profit or nonprofit, public or private, veterans must be free to choose the institutions that best fit their lives and needs. (continue reading…)