What are the struggles and stereotypes Gen Z faces entering the workforce?

Deseret News

Emma Pitts
June 4, 2024
Young college graduates are stepping into the workforce. How can employers and new grads align for mutual success?
For many young Americans entering into their roles entering the workforce, finding the right fit can be hard. For some, finding a job at all would seem like a win.
Andrew Conner, who graduated last year from Biola University in business administration, wrote in an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal that he considers himself lucky to get a job offer even if the starting pay isn’t very negotiable.
“I applied to nearly 30 jobs this year and that seems a pretty low number when I hear about what my peers are doing. I was networking, reaching out to recruiters directly, and continually reviewing my résumé and my LinkedIn and ePortfolio profiles,” Conner said. “And after all this, I was lucky to receive direct rejections from seven employers, got interviews from two, and was ignored by the rest.”