What Technologies Can Colleges Spend Their CARES Act Funds On?
Amelia Pang
August 4, 2020
The CARES Act can cover a good portion of higher education technology spending.
The fall term is quickly approaching. While most universities and colleges need new technologies to retool classrooms for social distancing and hybrid learning, some may not realize the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act can cover a broad range of technology spending.
“Institutions may use the funds … to purchase equipment or software, pay for online licensing fees, or pay for internet service to enable students to transition to distance learning,” the U.S. Department of Education states.
Brian Retzlaff, a solutions engineer at Legrand, has this advice for instructors who still need money to cover distance learning technologies in the fall: “A lot of times, it’s just a matter of knowing who to ask at their institution,” he said in a July webinar on audiovisual technology. “Say, ‘Hey, I’d like my fair share of that money.’”