Who Showed Up and Who Didn’t

Inside Higher Ed

Scott Jaschik
June 4, 2021
College Board analysis is latest to find that community colleges suffered more than four-year colleges, but report also suggests that four-year colleges saw a loss of students with higher grades. And some states saw gains in enrollment at four-year colleges.
Who showed up last fall? That’s the question the College Board attempted to answer with a new report on enrollment — new and continuing — of students.
The College Board used its own data and those of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center to create a sample of nearly 10 million students who represent about 80 percent of all U.S. high school graduates in the last three years. The students attended more than 22,000 U.S. high schools and 2,800 U.S. colleges, resulting in a nationally representative data set for understanding the impact of COVID-19 on college enrollment and retention among recent high school graduates. (The report does not include adult students.)