California Coast University

Primary Contact
Trish Bumann,
Administrative Assistant

925 N. Spurgeon Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(704) 547-9625


California Coast University’s mission is to offer quality, affordable, flexible, online undergraduate and graduate educational programs that are valuable both personally and professionally to our students.  With programs that are comprehensive, current and supported by qualified faculty and staff, we are committed to keeping pace with the needs of an everchanging marketplace.


In developing and evaluating programs of study, the University seeks to continually improve its existing non-traditional programs. To ensure ongoing program excellence, responsibilities are shared between qualified faculty and administrative staff.

All degree programs at California Coast University share the following common goals:

  • To enable students to acquire a body of knowledge in a specific discipline.
  • To think critically.
  • To improve student abilities to make significant contributions to the missions of their employers.
  • To use student knowledge to improve the functioning of the communities in which they live and work.
  • To enhance student personal satisfaction.
  • To improve a student’s level of confidence and self-esteem through the accomplishment of long-term academic goals.
  • To provide a pathway for students to continue the pursuit of additional life-long learning experiences.


All programs offered at California Coast University share the following common objectives. These objectives have evolved over time and are continually shaped by students, faculty, staff, employers, other constituencies and the ever-changing socioeconomic climate.

  • To allow students to complete degree requirements at their own pace.
  • To enable students to successfully meet coursework requirements without classroom attendance.
  • To develop an individualized program of study for each student.
  • To provide students with the most comprehensive and current information available in their field of study.
  • To utilize evaluation materials which require the student to demonstrate the effective integration of concepts and skills.
  • To make available to students all materials necessary to successfully complete their degree requirements, and to give students access to faculty members who can provide assistance and guidance when necessary.
  • To develop the students understanding of the language and information specific to their discipline.
  • To enable students to effectively integrate concepts and skills across functional areas.
  • To instill in students the value of life-long learning.
  • To encourage students to take advantage of life-long learning opportunities.