4 questions for-profit colleges face in 2022

4 questions for-profit colleges face in 2022

Higher Ed Dive Natalie Schwartz January 21, 2022 How will for-profit colleges face hurdles like stricter regulations and enrollment challenges? Can the sector avoid being cut out of any Pell Grant increase? For-profit colleges appear to have a tough road ahead in 2022, with stricter regulations and other challenges likely […]

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Consumer Finance Bureau Will Study For-Profit College Loans

Consumer Finance Bureau Will Study For-Profit College Loans

Inside Higher Ed Scott Jaschik January 24, 2022 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced Thursday that it will begin examining the operations of postsecondary colleges, such as for-profit colleges, that extend private loans directly to students. As the CFPB begins its supervision, the exam procedures inform the industry about practices that CFPB […]

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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will examine private student lending

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will examine private student lending

Higher Ed Dive Rick Seltzer January 20, 2022 Dive Brief: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will scrutinize operations at colleges that offer private loans directly to students, it said Thursday. The CFPB is updating its exam procedures to look at a category of loans often called institutional student loans. They’re […]

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California offers college students $10,000 for public service

California offers college students $10,000 for public service

The Press Democrat Jocelyn Gecker January 18, 2022 Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday that 45 colleges and universities in California, including some of the most prestigious campuses in the state, will be part of a new public service program that will subsidize tuition for students who do community service alongside […]

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California May Try Basic Income for College Students

California May Try Basic Income for College Students

Inside Higher Ed Scott Jaschik January 18, 2022 California may soon experiment with giving $500 a month to low-income students in the California State University system, the Los Angeles Times reported. State Senator Dave Cortese is considering legislation that would create a pilot program at select California State University campuses issuing monthly […]

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The (Renewed) Fight Over Gainful Employment

The (Renewed) Fight Over Gainful Employment

Inside Higher Ed Scott Jaschik January 18, 2022 Many other fights that focus on for-profit higher education will be center stage in a round of negotiated rule making sponsored by the Department of Education this week. Will the negotiators find consensus on any issues? The Education Department will hold another session […]

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