FTC Attorney Says Lead Purchasers Must Proactively Manage Lead Sources

FTC Attorney Says Lead Purchasers Must Proactively Manage Lead Sources An article written by the Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection reminds purchasers of lead generation advertising – both end providers and intermediaries – of the obligation to manage lead generators diligently and responsibly. FTC lawyers roundly agree that data privacy is at the heart of the lead […]

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Extreme left thinking infiltrates veteran groups — to the detriment of vets

Extreme left thinking infiltrates veteran groups — to the detriment of vets Most people assume veterans’ organizations reflect their membership — principled, traditional, and right-of-center. After all, veterans should put country before party and veteran welfare before partisan interests. While that once may have been true, it no longer appears to be. Instead, many prominent veteran service organizations (VSOs), military service […]

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California backs down from threat to fight VA for GI Bill oversight

California backs down from threat to fight VA for GI Bill oversight

Sacramento Bee California backed down from a fight with the Department of Veterans Affairs over a decision that restricts the state’s power to regulate for-profit colleges enrolling students with GI Bill benefits. California had used its authority in the past to sanction colleges with shaky finances and to investigate complaints […]

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Democrats Raise Stakes on Dream Center Investigation

Democrats Raise Stakes on Dream Center Investigation

Inside Higher Ed Representative Bobby Scott, the House education committee chairman, suggested Tuesday in a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos that her department had illegally awarded federal aid to two ineligible for-profit college programs operated by the defunct Dream Center. Scott, a Virginia Democrat, also threatened to issue subpoenas if the […]

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Is there a best practice for asking students for money?

Is there a best practice for asking students for money?

Inside Higher Ed Students at Thomas Jefferson University were surprised to receive stern notices about unpaid bills in early September. The emailed notices said students had to arrange to pay outstanding tuition bills in the next six days or they would be dropped from fall classes, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. The college, which […]

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Don’t Blame For-Profit Colleges for Debt among Black Students

Don’t Blame For-Profit Colleges for Debt among Black Students

National Review The accusations don’t stand up to even simple scrutiny. For-profit colleges take the blame for a lot of bad trends in our higher-education system. Sometimes it’s deserved. But too frequently the blame is driven by ideology and not objective analysis. And lest we assume that the blue-chip think […]

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Certificates Boost Employment, Earnings for Veterans

Certificates Boost Employment, Earnings for Veterans

Inside Higher Ed By Madeline St. Amour Veterans disproportionately hold nondegree certificates or certifications compared to nonveterans, according a report from the Strada Education Network. Working with Gallup and Lumina Foundation, Strada surveyed more than 30,000 U.S. veterans to look at their education and work experiences. Certificates boosted employability and earnings […]

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Ashford University Parent Company Weighs Sale

Ashford University Parent Company Weighs Sale

Inside Higher Ed By Lindsay McKenzie The education-technology services company Zovio is considering selling Ashford University. Zovio, formerly Bridgepoint Education, has been working for several months to convert Ashford from a for-profit to a nonprofit institution. The company Monday shared the results of a review by the U.S. Department of Education that considered […]

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