Poll: Voters Oppose Free College, Loan Forgiveness

Poll: Voters Oppose Free College, Loan Forgiveness

InsideHigherEd By Ashley Smith A new Quinnipiac University poll finds 52 percent of voters oppose making all public colleges in the U.S. free. Only 45 percent support free public college. Fifty-four percent of voters oppose and 41 percent of voters support free public college even if it is … (continue reading)

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Crisis for Another For-Profit

Crisis for Another For-Profit

Inside Higher Ed By Andrew Kreighbaum National American University will close campuses and focus on online programs in response to declining enrollments. But the for-profit chain’s finances have drawn scrutiny from regulators. As Democratic lawmakers raked many for-profit colleges over the coals during the past decade, National American University, a chain based […]

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Judge orders end to Dream Center’s ill-fated receivership

Judge orders end to Dream Center’s ill-fated receivership

Education Dive By Ben Unglesbee Dive Brief: A federal judge in Ohio ordered an end to Dream Center Education Holdings’s (DCEH) receivership, the legal process that began in Januarythat gave it protection from creditors as it tried to sell off and reorganize its remaining assets. The order allows for the current semester to […]

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Ed Dept: New accreditation rules will be ‘more aggressive’ to prevent abrupt college closures

Ed Dept: New accreditation rules will be ‘more aggressive’ to prevent abrupt college closures

Education Dive By Natalie Schwartz@nmschwartz23 Dive Brief: Diane Auer Jones, principal deputy under secretary at the U.S. Department of Education, outlined how forthcoming regulations on accreditation would address college closings during an event Tuesday hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, D.C. New regulations will include “financial triggers” that require […]

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A Wake-Up Call to Help Student Loan Borrowers

A Wake-Up Call to Help Student Loan Borrowers By Catharine B. Hill and Will Sealy April 23, 2019 The U.S. Department of Education’s inspector general has released a scathing report detailing the department’s failure to hold student loan companies accountable and the resulting harm to borrowers from a series of malpractices. The independent watchdog’s report finds that loan servicers often failed […]

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DeVos rightly stands firm on education reform

DeVos rightly stands firm on education reform

VVDailyPress By Gerard Scimeca Even prior to the Democrats winning back the House in last year’s midterms, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has long been on the left’s “hit” list. The publication Inside Higher Ed dubbed DeVos one of the “biggest losers” of the mid-term election. To newly emboldened Democrats […]

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How Bad Is For-Profit Higher Education, Actually?

How Bad Is For-Profit Higher Education, Actually?

The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal For about fifteen years, from 1995 to 2010, enrollments grew rapidly in the for-profit higher education sector, but since then have fallen substantially. The reason for the decline is mainly the overt hostility to for-profits during the Obama administration. The Department of […]

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California Presses Forward with Bill to Ban OPM Tuition Share Arrangements

California Presses Forward with Bill to Ban OPM Tuition Share Arrangements

Cooley Last week, the California Assembly Higher Education Committee unanimously voted to advance a bill designed to exclude OPMs and service providers from tuition share arrangements. AB 1345 would broaden California’s existing language prohibiting schools from providing any incentive compensation payments to any employee or third party for success in […]

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