Feds Recommend Colleges Clarify Financial Aid Offers

Feds Recommend Colleges Clarify Financial Aid Offers

Inside Higher Ed By Andrew Kreighbaum The Education Department this week issued recommendations for colleges to improve the transparency of financial aid offered to students. The department’s guidance suggests college financial aid offers should: Avoid referring to financial aid offers, which can include loans and Federal Work-Study, as “awards.” Include the full […]

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Which Colleges Failed the Latest Financial Responsibility Test?

Which Colleges Failed the Latest Financial Responsibility Test? Every year, the U.S. Department of Education is required to issue a financial responsibility score for private nonprofit and for-profit colleges, which serves as a crude measure of an institution’s financial health. Colleges are scored on a scale from -1.0 to 3.0, with colleges scoring 0.9 or below failing the test […]

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Why Arizona State is using a for-profit to help expand workforce partnerships

Why Arizona State is using a for-profit to help expand workforce partnerships

Education Dive By Ben Unglesbee It’s been five years since Arizona State University first partnered with Starbucks to provide tuition-free higher education to the coffee seller’s eligible employees. To date the initiative, which subsidizes 100% of employees’ tuition for dozens of degree programs, has enrolled 18,000 workers and graduated around 2,400. […]

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A Crisis in Confidence in Higher Ed

A Crisis in Confidence in Higher Ed

GALLUP By Stephanie Marken Confidence in higher education in the U.S. has decreased significantly since 2015, more so than for any other U.S. institution that Gallup measures. This drop in confidence in the higher education industry comes after Gallup detected a similar decline in the public’s view that higher education is available to […]

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Who’s next?

Who’s next?

Committee on Education & Labor WASHINGTON | April 4, 2019 Committee Democrats used a “bipartisan” higher education hearing to vilify a sector of postsecondary education that serves approximately 10% of America’s students looking for specific career skills. No one disagrees that bad actors in education, at any level, proclaiming any […]

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New Rules for Accreditors

New Rules for Accreditors

Inside Higher Ed By Andrew Kreighbaum WASHINGTON — Trump administration officials opened champagne and shook hands with negotiators Wednesday after a lengthy rule-making process led to consensus on a broad array of changes to federal standards governing college accreditors and online education. Those changes will allow colleges to get faster approval […]

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Letter to Chairwoman Davis

Letter to Chairwoman Davis

Click to view the .PDF of the letter from Steve Gunderson, President & CEO of CECU

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Recent Developments in State Authorization

Recent Developments in State Authorization

Cooley As outlined in our previous posts on proposed regulations in California, we are also tracking newly proposed laws introduced in Washington State, Oregon and New York, all part of a growing trend in which state (or in one case, municipal) agencies are moving to fill perceived gaps in enforcement […]

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Few Lessons Learned on For-Profit Closures

Few Lessons Learned on For-Profit Closures

InsideHigherEd By Andrew Kreighbaum The Dream Center, a Los Angeles nonprofit that had agreed to purchase Argosy University and the Art Institutes chain just 24 months earlier, closed its doors in March amid finger-pointing and recriminations between a court-appointed receiver, congressional Democrats and the Education Department. The Trump administration had […]

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