Ed Department: Mass Loan Cancellation Is Off the Table

Ed Department: Mass Loan Cancellation Is Off the Table

Inside Higher Ed Katherine Knott October 11, 2023 The first meeting of the Education Department’s student debt relief negotiating committee offered glimpses at what kind of loan forgiveness the Biden administration might propose. Ever since President Biden said that his administration would try again to offer broad student debt relief after […]

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This for-profit believes it’s being “targeted” by the government

This for-profit believes it’s being “targeted” by the government

University Business Alcino Donadel October 9, 2023 The conflict between the federal government and GCU, one of the country’s largest Christian universities, first began when it applied to be recognized a non-profit to the Department of Education in 2019 to streamline its federal funding process. In a sudden public statement published last […]

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Sayonara, For-Profit Colleges

Sayonara, For-Profit Colleges

The Wall Street Journal October 8,2023 Biden resumes Obama’s assault, which will hurt low-income students. We laughed out loud last week when the New York Times quoted Professor Kate Shaw asking if the Supreme Court will “continue to incapacitate” the administrative state. She was apparently serious. Do Biden regulators look […]

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Department of Education rule threatens viability of for-profit colleges

Department of Education rule threatens viability of for-profit colleges

Washington Examiner  Jeremiah Poff October 6, 2023 The United States Department of Education finalized a new regulation last week that critics say could have a catastrophic effect on the long-term viability of for-profit career colleges. The so-called gainful employment rule was finalized last week, less than five months after it was proposed in May. The […]

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Student-loan borrowers are facing ‘excessively long’ wait times for help from their servicers, Biden’s Education Secretary says — and it’ll take more money from Congress to fix it

Student-loan borrowers are facing ‘excessively long’ wait times for help from their servicers, Biden’s Education Secretary says — and it’ll take more money from Congress to fix it

Insider  Ayelet Sheffey October 4, 2023 Student-loan borrowers are facing a host of challenges as they begin to enter repayment. The administration’s top education official said Congress can help. October 1 marked the official end of pandemic relief for federal student-loan borrowers. Bills are now starting to become due after an over three-year […]

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WCET Survey of Institutional Digital Learning Definitions – Preliminary Report on Key Themes, Insights, and Challenges

WCET Survey of Institutional Digital Learning Definitions – Preliminary Report on Key Themes, Insights, and Challenges

WCET October 5, 2023 Online learning, hybrid learning, hyflex learning, blended learning, and distance education. What are the differences between these terms that necessitate the creation of novel words for variations of modality? What goes into the institutional decisions on defining these terms? WCET – the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies, gathered […]

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Deep Dive: ED Releases Unofficial Final Rule on Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency Framework

Deep Dive: ED Releases Unofficial Final Rule on Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency Framework

NASFAA Jill Desjean October 6, 2023 Last week, the Department of Education (ED) released its unofficial final rule on Gainful Employment (GE) and its new Financial Value Transparency framework, which it plans to officially release in the Federal Register on October 10, 2023. The rule represents ED’s fourth effort, over more than a decade, to establish […]

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