Visualizing If Gainful Employment Applied To Most Degree Programs

Visualizing If Gainful Employment Applied To Most Degree Programs

Phil Hill and Associates Phil Hill May 22, 2023 With the release of the proposed Gainful Employment rules by the US Department of Education (ED), there has been quite a bit of discussion online about whether the exclusion of nonprofit degree programs is fair, based on legal precedent, and wise policy. This […]

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Department of Education Proposes Stricter Gainful Employment Regulations

Department of Education Proposes Stricter Gainful Employment Regulations

McGuire Woods May 22, 2023 On May 19, 2023, the Department of Education (ED) published in the Federal Register proposed regulations concerning gainful employment (GE), threatening to cut off federal financial aid for approximately 1,800 career training programs at community colleges, public universities, private-nonprofit institutions and proprietary institutions. See 88 Fed. Reg. […]

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A Stricter Test for College Programs

A Stricter Test for College Programs

Inside Higher Ed Katherine Knott May 23, 2023 Critics argue that the earnings test, which is based on the average earnings of a high school graduate with no college, is unfair. But supporters say it provides key information. The Biden administration wants to use the earnings of adults who didn’t […]

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Here are 4 ways AI is already impacting higher education

Here are 4 ways AI is already impacting higher education

UB University Alcino Donadel May 15, 2023 While phishing attempts could once be easily detected by grammatical and spelling errors and an awkward tone, communication written by ChatGPT appears more natural and, by extension, easier to trust. Artificial intelligence is finding evermore creative ways to interweave within our everyday lives, […]

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Biden promised student-loan borrowers cheaper payments and more debt relief. The government might not have enough money for everyone to actually get those benefits.

Biden promised student-loan borrowers cheaper payments and more debt relief. The government might not have enough money for everyone to actually get those benefits.

Insider Ayelet Sheffey May 13, 2023 With broad student-debt relief, many student-loan borrowers anticipate reforms to payment programs. But whether those reforms can even be set in motion depends on a key thing: more funding. Congress didn’t increase funding for Federal Student Aid last year, and the impacts already show. […]

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Primary Contact: Alicia Kirk – Institutional Partnerships Email: Phone: (727) 580-9619 Website: FlatWorld | Bringing Textbook Prices Back Down to Earth ( FlatWorld provides affordable, accessible and engaging textbook materials for General Education and Business courses.  

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Chairwoman Foxx Delivers Opening Remarks at Markup to Nullify Biden’s Student Loan Debt Scheme

Chairwoman Foxx Delivers Opening Remarks at Markup to Nullify Biden’s Student Loan Debt Scheme

Committee on Education & the Workforce May 10, 2023 WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) delivered the following statement, as prepared for delivery, at the Committee’s markup to consider H.J. Res. 45, a Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn Biden’s student loan debt transfer scheme: “The Committee is meeting today to discuss H.J. […]

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Arnold Ventures Influence Beyond Regulation

Arnold Ventures Influence Beyond Regulation

Cal Matters Phil Matters May 9, 2023 Note: Due to the nature of the topic that includes references to specific authors and their organizations, we have decided to make this premium On EdTech+ post free and openly available. Additional Notes: Based on social media and private conversations about the post yesterday, I would like […]

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