Beauty Schools Marketing Group

Beauty Schools Marketing Group

Primary Contact: Jenn Lyles – Executive Director Email: 12433 Antioch Road PO Box 26330 Overland Park, KS 66213 Phone: (256) 431-7532 Website:   Beauty Schools Marketing Group owns and operates, the most popular and comprehensive online student resource for information on beauty schools and beauty programs. In […]

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Biden Fights for Woke and Big Labor Interests in FY 2024 Budget Proposal

Biden Fights for Woke and Big Labor Interests in FY 2024 Budget Proposal

Committee on Education & The Workforce March 9, 2023 Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement regarding President Biden’s FY 2024 budget proposal: “President Biden’s budget is a fiscal disaster that will dig our nation further into unsurmountable debt. The President is once […]

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Biden’s Budget Calls for $820 Pell Increase

Biden’s Budget Calls for $820 Pell Increase

Inside Higher Ed Katherine Knott March 10, 2023 The administration also wants $90 billion over 10 years to make two years of community college free. President Biden is seeking a third increase to the annual Pell Grant, of $820, as part of his budget request to Congress, which was unveiled Thursday. Department […]

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Quiet Biden student loan forgiveness for 200,000 borrowers gave black eye to colleges

Quiet Biden student loan forgiveness for 200,000 borrowers gave black eye to colleges

Washington Examiner  Jeremiah Poff March 10, 2023 An administrator from a Florida university says the Biden administration unfairly labeled his institution as a malefactor when it negotiated a settlement to discharge student loans in a lawsuit brought by a group of students who said their colleges had misrepresented themselves. Last summer, the Department of Education announced […]

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Who’s Afraid of Virginia Foxx?

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Foxx?

Inside Higher Ed Katherine Knott March 9, 2023 The longtime Republican congresswoman sees an opportunity to finally reauthorize the Higher Education Act of 1965 in her second stint as leader of the House education committee and is pledging oversight of the Biden administration. Representative Virginia Foxx is planning to leverage […]

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Jaded with education, more Americans are skipping college

Jaded with education, more Americans are skipping college

AP News March 9, 2023 Collin Brinkley JACKSON, Tenn. (AP) — When he looked to the future, Grayson Hart always saw a college degree. He was a good student at a good high school. He wanted to be an actor, or maybe a teacher. Growing up, he believed college was […]

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Cohort Default Rate No More?

Cohort Default Rate No More?

Inside Higher Ed Katherine Knott March 7, 2023 A nearly three-year payment pause and forthcoming changes to income-driven repayment mean that fewer student borrowers will likely default on their loans. Here’s what that means for accountability. The Biden administration’s planned changes to how student borrowers can repay their loans likely mean that […]

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PROOF POINTS: How much does it cost to produce a community college graduate?

PROOF POINTS: How much does it cost to produce a community college graduate?

The Hechinger Report Jill Barshay March 6, 2023 Even in states with progressive funding, researchers find there’s not enough for the neediest students Community colleges say they can’t help the neediest students get through college successfully without more funding. But these institutions, which educate 10 million students a year or […]

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Private Student Loan Lender Sues to Restart Payments

Private Student Loan Lender Sues to Restart Payments

Inside Higher Ed Katherine Knott March 7, 2023 SoFi Bank, a private student loan lender, says it has lost $300 to $400 million in total revenues because of the three-year pause on federal student loan payments, and it wants that pause to end. In a lawsuit filed in the federal district court for […]

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