Income share agreements are growing up — and not a moment too soon

Income share agreements are growing up — and not a moment too soon

The Hill Ethan Pollock July 20, 2022 This week, Sens. Todd Young (R-Ind.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) introduced legislation that would explicitly apply existing federal consumer credit protections to income share agreements (ISAs) while also creating important protections unique to the financing tool. The new legislation comes just four months after the U.S. Department of […]

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The Rise of For-Profit Partnerships in Higher Education

The Rise of For-Profit Partnerships in Higher Education

Future Ed Jeffrey Selingo July 19, 2022 Nearly 20 years ago, I wrote about the “disappearing state” in public higher ed in The Chronicle of Higher Education. Coming out of the 2001 recession, public colleges and universities weren’t seeing the upswing in their taxpayer appropriations that they had after previous economic downturns. Tax […]

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Court pushes back hearing over $6B borrower defense settlement

Court pushes back hearing over $6B borrower defense settlement

Higher Ed Dive Natalie Schwartz July 19, 2022 The delay comes after four institutions argued that the deal between the Education Department and student borrowers would harm their reputations. A federal court has delayed a hearing that would decide whether to preliminarily approve a $6 billion proposed settlement between the […]

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Burr And Foxx Say Dept. Of Ed Is Rushing Rules To Help Student Loan Borrowers

Burr And Foxx Say Dept. Of Ed Is Rushing Rules To Help Student Loan Borrowers

Forbes Edward Conroy July 19, 2022 Last week, the Department of Education (ED) officially published draft regulations designed to increase protections for borrowers and make it easier for them to access loan discharges in certain situations. ED is accepting public comments on the proposals for 30 days (until August 12). Representative Virginia […]

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Gap Between Online and In-Person Learning Narrows

Gap Between Online and In-Person Learning Narrows

Inside Higher Ed Susan D’Agostino July 13, 2022 Since the start of the pandemic, law school faculty members have gained proficiency in online teaching best practices and students have gained appreciation for hybrid and online learning options. When the history of the COVID-19 pandemic is written, one takeaway may be […]

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Study: Cosmetology Schools Yield Poor Student Outcomes

Study: Cosmetology Schools Yield Poor Student Outcomes

Inside Higher Ed Meghan Brink July 15,2022 A new study from the Century Foundation released Thursday found that graduates from cosmetology schools are making near poverty-level wages, and that almost half of the colleges in the industry—42 percent—would fail under the Education Department’s proposed gainful-employment rule. The study found that cosmetologists earn an […]

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For-Profits Seek to Intervene in Federal Borrower-Defense Settlement

For-Profits Seek to Intervene in Federal Borrower-Defense Settlement

Inside Higher Ed  Meghan Brink July 15, 2022 The motion could delay the discharges of $6 billion in student debt arranged by the recent settlement by the Department of Education in Sweet v. Cardona. A major for-profit lobbying organization filed a motion Wednesday to intervene in a lawsuit that was recently settled by […]

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