Arrests and Layoffs at City College of San Francisco

Arrests and Layoffs at City College of San Francisco

Inside Higher Ed Scott Jaschik May 10, 2022 City College of San Francisco eliminated the jobs of 38 full-time faculty members on Friday, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. The original plan was to eliminate 50 such jobs. The college says the layoffs reflect enrollment declines, but faculty leaders say the layoffs will […]

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Lawmakers want strict rules so students avoid no-credit remedial courses

Lawmakers want strict rules so students avoid no-credit remedial courses

Ed Source Michael Burke May 5, 2022 New bill would create additional rules forcing community to allow students to take higher level courses. Arguing that too many community college students are getting stuck in remedial classes, California lawmakers are pushing a new bill that would create stricter rules dictating when colleges […]

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GAO Takes Moderate Stance on Online Program Providers

GAO Takes Moderate Stance on Online Program Providers

Inside Higher Ed Doug Lederman May 6, 2022 Eagerly awaited U.S. review of companies that manage colleges’ online academic programs urges more Education Department scrutiny but doesn’t appear to significantly threaten revenue-sharing deals. A long-awaited federal review of companies that many colleges contract with to help design and manage their […]

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4 Charts That Show What College Is Worth

4 Charts That Show What College Is Worth

Ed Surge Nadia Tamez-Robledo May 5, 2022 College Scorecard and its mountainous trove of data are ripe for providing insights about the value of a degree—if you can wade through it. We decided to dig into the data to see how colleges and programs stack up when it comes to […]

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Washington Watch: Friday deadline for annual HEERF reporting

Washington Watch: Friday deadline for annual HEERF reporting

Community College Daily David Baime May 4, 2022 Numerous community colleges have not yet submitted their Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Annual Performance Reports, covering activity funded between January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021. Institutions that fail to submit the report to the U.S. Education Department (ED) by […]

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Transfer enrollment falls 6.9% in spring from a year ago

Transfer enrollment falls 6.9% in spring from a year ago

Higher Ed Dive Natalie Schwartz May 3, 2022 Dive Brief:  Transfer enrollment dropped 6.9% this spring compared to last year, with upward transfers from two-year colleges to four-year institutions bearing the brunt of the declines, according to data released Tuesday by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Those upward transfers dropped 11.6% […]

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Means-Testing Student Debt Cancellation is Still Costly and Regressive

Means-Testing Student Debt Cancellation is Still Costly and Regressive

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget May 3, 2022 Amid criticisms that student debt cancelation would be costly and regressive, the Biden Administration is apparently considering means-testing debt cancellation. Specifically, reports suggest the Administration may cancel $10,000 or more of federal student debt for individual borrowers making less than $125,000 or $150,000 per year and […]

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Marco Rubio, Michael Bennet Bring Back Higher Education Innovation Act

Marco Rubio, Michael Bennet Bring Back Higher Education Innovation Act

Florida Daily Kevin Derby May 1, 2022 More than a half-decade after first introducing the proposal, U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Michael Bennet, D-Col., continue to champion the “Higher Education Innovation Act.” “The bill would ensure students who attend high-quality trade schools, community colleges, and other post-secondary programs have access to […]

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