A Third Attempt to Close Calbright College

A Third Attempt to Close Calbright College

Inside Higher Ed Sara Weissman March 29, 2022 California lawmakers are trying to close Calbright College for a third consecutive year. Will they be successful this time? California state legislators are threatening to shut down Calbright College—again. Assemblymember Jose Medina recently introduced a bill that would permanently shutter the state’s […]

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New Education Department Rules on Failing For-Profit Colleges

New Education Department Rules on Failing For-Profit Colleges

Inside Higher Ed Scott Jaschik March 24, 2022 The Education Department announced new measures that will hold companies that own for-profit colleges that fail responsible for the funds owed to the federal government, including liabilities arising from closed-college loan discharges and borrower defense to repayment claims. This will ensure that even if […]

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Ed Department fails to reach agreement on most new regulatory proposals

Ed Department fails to reach agreement on most new regulatory proposals

Higher Ed Dive  Natalie Schwartz March 18, 2022 Dive Brief:  The U.S. Department of Education failed to reach agreement this week with key higher education representatives on the Biden administration’s proposals for several new regulations, including those that would heavily affect the for-profit sector and monitoring of colleges’ financial health. […]

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