
Subcommittee Discusses the Government’s Role in Occupational Licensing

Subcommittee Discusses the Government’s Role in Occupational Licensing

Today, the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development, chaired by Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY), held a hearing to review occupational licensing and its effects on economic growth. “Occupational licensing plays an important role in protecting consumers and ensuring high-quality service,” Chairman Guthrie said in his opening statement. “In many cases, […]

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Trump Administration to Seek Merger of Education, Labor Departments

Trump Administration to Seek Merger of Education, Labor Departments

Politico By Caitlin Emma and Michael Stratford The Trump administration plans to advocate a merger of the Education and Labor departments as part of a sweeping government overhaul, according to two individuals familiar with the proposal who declined to be named because it’s not yet public. The new combined agency, […]

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Seeking Comment: IFAP – Federal Registers

Seeking Comment: IFAP – Federal Registers

IFAP DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION [Docket ID ED-2017-OPE-0090] Program Integrity: Gainful Employment AGENCY: Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education. ACTION: Announcement of applicable dates; request for comments. ———————————————————————– SUMMARY: On January 6 and January 19, 2017, the Department announced dates by which institutions subject to the Department’s gainful employment (GE) […]

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Report urges adoption of ‘demand driven education’

Report urges adoption of ‘demand driven education’

Education Dive Dive Brief: ​A new report repeats a familiar call for higher education to better train graduates with the skills employers need, but also makes a series of recommendations about how institutions can initiate such “demand driven education”, which it claims will be the third wave of higher education reform. The Demand […]

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Gainful-Employment Disclosures Delayed Again

Gainful-Employment Disclosures Delayed Again

Inside Higher Ed By Paul Fain Government will not require colleges to publicly disclose data about their vocational programs’ graduate employment rates or debt levels — requirements under the Obama-era “gainful-employment” rule — until after U.S. Department of Education can rewrite the regulation. The department announced in a filing Friday that it will […]

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Report Shows Poor Rates of Grad Student Loan Repayment at HBCUs, For-Profits

Report Shows Poor Rates of Grad Student Loan Repayment at HBCUs, For-Profits

Inside Higher Ed By Andrew Kreighbaum The Obama administration for years battled with the for-profit sector over a rule that would hold higher ed programs accountable for graduating students with debt they couldn’t repay. That rule, known as gainful employment, applied to all career education and certificate programs, and the first […]

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California Finalizes Performance Funding Formula for it’s Community Colleges

California Finalizes Performance Funding Formula for it’s Community Colleges

Inside Higher Ed As California Goes? The biggest and perhaps least likely state to try performance funding will tie billions of dollars for community colleges to measures of student success, a plan faculty groups say will punish students and colleges. By Paul Fain With powerful faculty organizations and a commitment to unfettered […]

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California Higher Ed Leaders Oppose PROSPER Act

California Higher Ed Leaders Oppose PROSPER Act

Inside Higher Ed California Higher Ed Leaders Oppose PROSPER Act By Andrew Kreighbaum The leaders of the three California public higher education systems on Monday issued a statement opposing the PROSPER Act, House Republicans’ proposal to overhaul the Higher Education Act. “Our public institutions of higher education are committed to providing affordable, […]

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