
3 highlights from this quarter’s for-profit and online education earnings

3 highlights from this quarter’s for-profit and online education earnings

Education Dive Another quarter means another opportunity to check in with some of the sector’s publicly traded for-profit college operators and online program managers (OPMs). In the last few years, these companies have reacted to the mix of heightened regulation, shifting demand and new competitors affecting for-profit and online education. […]

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House Democrats Introduce Bill to Reinstate Gainful Employment Rule

House Democrats Introduce Bill to Reinstate Gainful Employment Rule

NASFAA By Joelle Fredman, NASFAA Staff Reporter Two House Democrats introduced a bill late last week to reinstate the Obama-era gainful employment (GE) regulations that the Department of Education (ED) eliminated last month. While the rule — or lack thereof — does not take effect until July 2020, some institutions […]

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Veterans Turn Sights to 90-10 Rule

Veterans Turn Sights to 90-10 Rule

InsideHigherEducation Veterans’ organizations see negotiations over the Higher Education Act as an opportunity to tighten a federal exemption they say makes service members target of aggressive marketing by for-profit colleges. Veterans’ groups played a key role last year in blocking a Republican proposal to update the landmark higher education law. […]

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Lambda School’s For-Profit Plan to Solve Student Debt

Lambda School’s For-Profit Plan to Solve Student Debt This story is part of a series on how we learn—from augmented reality to music-training devices. Early this summer, tech entrepreneur Austen Allred was on Reddit, as he often is, when he noticed something suspicious. The coding forums he frequents, where people usually talk about JavaScript bugs and command line […]

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California creates higher ed advisory council

California creates higher ed advisory council

EducationDive Dive Brief: The state of California has formed a postsecondary education advisory council to coordinate its higher education systems. The Council for Post-Secondary Education includes representatives from the state’s two public four-year university systems and its community college system as well as stakeholders such as the California Labor Federation and the state’s Chamber […]

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Report: ‘Hypercompetitive’ higher ed market will limit revenue growth

Report: ‘Hypercompetitive’ higher ed market will limit revenue growth Dive Brief: A “hypercompetitive” market for higher education along with a continued focus on affordability will constrain tuition revenue in the coming year even as state funding stabilizes, Moody’s analysts wrote in a report released this week. Low-to-negative net tuition revenue growth is likely for many regional public and […]

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Could For-Profit Question Impede Short-Term Pell?

Could For-Profit Question Impede Short-Term Pell? Lawmakers pushing for a dramatic change to the federal Pell Grant program have for months sought to placate liberal critics by arguing that new money wouldn’t go to for-profit colleges. Legislation dubbed the JOBS Act would expand eligibility for Pell money to programs as short as eight weeks that […]

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