New Delay on Borrower-Defense Rule

New Delay on Borrower-Defense Rule

Inside Higher Ed By Andrew Kreighbaum October 23, 2017 The Department of Education on Friday issued a new delay of the Obama administration’s borrower-defense rule that would block it from going into effect until the conclusion of a bureaucratic rewrite of the rule expected to conclude by 2019. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced in […]

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‘Blueprint’ for Federal Student-Level Data System

‘Blueprint’ for Federal Student-Level Data System

Inside Higher Ed ‘Blueprint’ for Federal Student-Level Data System By Andrew Kreighbaum October 19, 2017 The Institute for Higher Education Policy on Wednesday issued a set of recommendations on the nuts and bolts of creating a federal postsecondary student-level data system. A bipartisan group of lawmakers earlier this year introduced the College Transparency […]

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AGs Sue DeVos Over Gainful-Employment Rule

AGs Sue DeVos Over Gainful-Employment Rule

Inside Higher Ed AGs Sue DeVos Over Gainful-Employment Rule By Paul Fain October 18, 2017 Attorneys general in 18 states have sued the U.S. Department of Education over the Trump administration’s move to pause enforcement of the so-called gainful-employment rule, which applies to vocational programs at nonprofit colleges and to all programs at for-profit […]

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A Kayak for Credentials

A Kayak for Credentials

Inside Higher Ed A Kayak for Credentials Ambitious project to create public database of wage data and other information about all postsecondary credentials seeks to help students and employers know more about what’s expected in academic and job-training programs. By Paul Fain October 18, 2017  One of the loudest complaints about […]

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Curriculum for Work-Force Development

Curriculum for Work-Force Development

Inside Higher Ed Curriculum for Work-Force Development By Paul Fain October 17, 2017 The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation on Monday released a new curriculumit hopes employers, government and higher education can use to better collaborate on closing the skills gap. Dubbed the Talent Pipeline Management Academy, the curriculum grew out of […]

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More Scrutiny for Community Colleges

More Scrutiny for Community Colleges

Inside Higher Ed More Scrutiny for Community Colleges The new status quo may be more calls by state lawmakers for better completion rates and work-force outcomes. By Ashley A. Smith October 17, 2017 Community college systems are finding they’re under more scrutiny than ever before, especially when it comes to whether […]

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Default Crisis for Black Student Borrowers

Default Crisis for Black Student Borrowers

Inside Higher Ed Default Crisis for Black Student Borrowers Half of all black students who took out federal student loans defaulted in 12 years, according to two analyses of new federal data on student borrowers. By Paul Fain October 17, 2017  Two analyses of newly released federal data on student loans reveal […]

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California May Fund First Year of Community College

California May Fund First Year of Community College

Inside Higher Ed California May Fund First Year of Community College By Nick Roll October 16, 2017 A measure that would cover the first year of community college for California students was signed into law Friday, the Los Angeles Times reported. Whether the colleges are funded for that first year, however, is dependent on […]

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Return of the College Scorecard

Return of the College Scorecard

Inside Higher Ed Return of the College Scorecard The Department of Education rolls out updated information on its college transparency tool, including a new comparison feature. By Andrew Kreighbaum September 29, 2017 An Obama administration initiative that provided consumer information on colleges and universities has survived for another year and into […]

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College Enrollment Projected to Grow 15% by 2025

College Enrollment Projected to Grow 15% by 2025

Inside Higher Ed College Enrollment Projected to Grow 15% by 2025 By Doug Lederman September 29, 2017  A new federal report projects that enrollment in American postsecondary institutions will climb 15 percent from 2014 to 2025, with larger proportional increases among adult than traditional-age students, women than men, graduate students than undergraduates, […]

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