What DeVos’s ‘Reset’ on 2 Major Consumer Rules Means for Colleges – The Chronicle of Higher Education

What DeVos’s ‘Reset’ on 2 Major Consumer Rules Means for Colleges – The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education What DeVos’s ‘Reset’ on 2 Major Consumer Rules Means for Colleges By Adam Harris JUNE 14, 2017 Chronicle photo by Julia Schmalz Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced on Wednesday that the Education Department will renegotiate the gainful-employment and borrower “defense to repayment” rules, two […]

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Secretary DeVos Announces Regulatory Reset to Protect Students, Taxpayers, Higher Ed

Secretary DeVos Announces Regulatory Reset to Protect Students, Taxpayers, Higher Ed

US Department of Education Secretary DeVos Announces Regulatory Reset to Protect Students, Taxpayers, Higher Ed Institutions  JUNE 14, 2017 Contact:   Press Office, (202) 401-1576, Negotiated rulemaking committees to convene on Borrower Defense to Repayment and Gainful Employment to improve regulations Currently approved BDR claims to be discharged this month, […]

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DeVos Will Roll Back 2 Obama Regulations, a Blow to Consumer Advocates – The Chronicle of Higher Education

DeVos Will Roll Back 2 Obama Regulations, a Blow to Consumer Advocates – The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education   DeVos Will Roll Back 2 Obama Regulations, a Blow to Consumer Advocates By Adam Harris JUNE 14, 2017 Chronicle photo by Julia Schmalz Betsy DeVos, the secretary of education: “Fraud, especially fraud committed by a school, is simply unacceptable. Unfortunately, last year’s rule-making effort […]

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‘It Didn’t Smell Right’: The Making of a Debt-Relief Whistle-Blower – The Chronicle of Higher Education

‘It Didn’t Smell Right’: The Making of a Debt-Relief Whistle-Blower – The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education ‘It Didn’t Smell Right’: The Making of a Debt-Relief Whistle-Blower By Richard Read and Teddy Nykiel (NerdWallet) JUNE 14, 2017 CORAL SPRINGS, FLA. Richard Read, NerdWallet Bob Greenberg supervised telemarketers at a Florida company that promised relief for student debt. As customers’ complaints piled up, […]

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Lawmakers and Trade Group Criticize Education Dept. Move to Single Loan Servicer – The Ticker – Blogs – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Lawmakers and Trade Group Criticize Education Dept. Move to Single Loan Servicer – The Ticker – Blogs – The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education June 12, 2017 by Adam Harris Lawmakers and Trade Group Criticize Education Dept. Move to Single Loan Servicer A bicameral group of federal legislators on Tuesday sent a letter to Betsy DeVos, the education secretary, criticizing recent changes in how the Education Department chooses an […]

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