Income-Share Agreement Providers Want to Woo Higher Ed. But Will It Work?

Income-Share Agreement Providers Want to Woo Higher Ed. But Will It Work?

Ed Surge By Sydney Johnson This month the U.S. Education Department announced a proposal to remove a set of higher education regulations meant to punish college programs that turned out to be bad deals for students—specifically, ones whose graduates’ student-loan payments were higher than a specific portion their incomes. The policy, […]

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Gen Zers Look to Teachers First, YouTube Second for Instruction

Gen Zers Look to Teachers First, YouTube Second for Instruction

Campus Technology By Dian Schaffhauser Students in Generation Z would rather learn from YouTube videos than from nearly any other form of instruction. YouTube was designated as the preferred mode of learning by 59 percent of Gen Zers in a survey on the topic, compared to in-person group activities with […]

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More Job Earnings Data On The College Scorecard

More Job Earnings Data On The College Scorecard

Forbes by Richard Vedder I have claimed for years that three words beginning with “I” hold the key to major positive changes in higher education: information, incentives and innovation. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is proposing taking a major step to improve information provided to students and their families, a positive […]

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Can This Tiny Career College Really Become ‘America’s Work-Force Partner’?

Can This Tiny Career College Really Become ‘America’s Work-Force Partner’?

Chronicle of Higher Education By Goldie Blumenstyk On its first go-round operating what it called “the largest nonprofit career-college system in America,” ECMC Group didn’t win many fans. That’s putting it mildly. Now, with a new chief executive who spent his first year on the job studying the career-training landscape, […]

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Guidance on ‘Unlawful Presence’ and Foreign Students

Guidance on ‘Unlawful Presence’ and Foreign Students

Inside Higher Ed By Elizabeth Redden New final guidance published Thursday by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will change the way international students and visiting scholars on F, J or M visas are found to accrue “unlawful presence” in the U.S., a determination that could subject them to future bars on […]

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U.S. Department of Education Proposes Overhaul of Gainful Employment Regulations

U.S. Department of Education Proposes Overhaul of Gainful Employment Regulations The U.S. Department of Education today announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that proposes to rescind Gainful Employment (GE) regulations in order to provide useful, transparent higher education data to students and treat all institutions of higher education fairly. “Students deserve useful and relevant data when making important […]

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Education Dept. Proposes Tossing Gainful-Employment Rule, Which Took Aim at For-Profit Colleges

Education Dept. Proposes Tossing Gainful-Employment Rule, Which Took Aim at For-Profit Colleges

Chronicle of Higher Education By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz The U.S. Department of Education has officially proposed repealing the gainful-employment rule, a policy that punished higher-education programs whose graduates accumulated excessive student-loan debt, according to a notice of proposed rulemaking released Friday. The rule, first proposed by the Obama administration in 2011, would have […]

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For-Profits Keep Access to Billions in Aid

For-Profits Keep Access to Billions in Aid

Inside Higher Ed By Andrew Kreighbaum More than 2,000 career education programs serving over half a million students risked losing access to Title IV federal student aid under the Obama administration’s gainful-employment rule. Those programs look to be in the clear after Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said Friday she plans to rescind the […]

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