United States’ Skilled Technical Workforce Is Inadequate to Compete in Coming Decades; Actions Needed to Improve Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning of Workers

United States’ Skilled Technical Workforce Is Inadequate to Compete in Coming Decades; Actions Needed to Improve Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning of Workers

The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine May 17, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE United States’ Skilled Technical Workforce Is Inadequate to Compete in Coming Decades; Actions Needed to Improve Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning of Workers WASHINGTON — Policymakers, employers, and educational institutions should take steps to strengthen the nation’s […]

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Career and Technical Ed Should be ‘Plan A,’ Foxx Says as House Takes Up Perkins Bill Today

Career and Technical Ed Should be ‘Plan A,’ Foxx Says as House Takes Up Perkins Bill Today

The 74 Photo Credit: Getty Images May 16, 2017 CAROLYN PHENICIE cphenicie TALKING POINTS @VirginiaFoxx pushes to destigmatize CTE at AEI speech ahead of House markup #FoxxAtAEI Washington, D.C. The stigma and challenges surrounding career and technical education are personal for U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx. Foxx’s brother, Butch, eight […]

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Mixed Views on Higher Ed

Mixed Views on Higher Ed

Inside Higher Ed Americans see the work force and societal value of getting a college degree, a survey from New America finds, but community colleges have more support than do other sectors. By Paul Fain May 11, 2017 Americans see the value in getting a college degree, but they’re not particularly […]

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